What does "dedication to one's craft" exactly means in French ?
2006-07-07 08:19:19 UTC
What does "dedication to one's craft" exactly means in French ?
Deux réponses:
2006-07-07 08:31:44 UTC
dedication to ones craft.

a craftsman, is someone who has under gone an apprenticeship

for at least 4-5 years,

come plumber, electrician, roofer,machinist, turner ,fitter etc etc.

when this period of time has past you become a skilled person in the particular trade you have learnt,

(dedicated to my craft)

secondly, you could be passionately involved in artistic work, self taught

pottery ,painting,etc this is another sort of (craft) so you can be

(dedicated to my craft) thats the my point of view,

i completed an apprenticeship in the uk,under english terms and law i am a craftsman in my field of work.and i am dedicated to my craft because it's all i know.......................
2006-07-07 15:24:09 UTC
facile, sa signifie un attachement a son metier !!!

it means man likes his job !!!

Une personne qui aime son metier

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